Friday, January 30, 2009

The Russians Were Coming!

This little advernture has already proved to be quite interesting. Unfortunately the first day of real shooting was very hazy. I'm pretty sure I am going to be getting many of those days since this is the central valley. I already have a collection of photos that I've taken around town but I'll post those as I run out of current shots.

Fallout Shelters! Yes even Fresno has them around. Now the mission has become to find their location and to take pictures of them. Im sure they now have been cleared out and probably house old file cabinets but it would be cool to check them out. 

First picture is one Olive in the entry to the CHP/CAL Trans office and the second is on the intersection of Fulton and Fresno. I've also read that there are alert sirens throughout town. Not sure if they are still operational. 

Cool signs. I'll try to post more stunning imagery as we go. These were just cool signs. 

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